Why a Montessori School Is a Perfect Learning Environment for Grade-Schoolers

During the grade school years, children spend a lot of time learning foundational subjects, as well as discovering who they are and their interests. For this reason, early childhood education is so important, as it provides children with the stepping stones they will use in both their personal and educational lives for many years.

At Pomegranate Tree Schoolhouse, our Montessori curriculum provides children with the landscape and learning environment they need to realize their potential and lean into their creative abilities. Continue reading below why we believe that a Montessori school is the perfect learning environment for grade schoolers, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Acton Academy to schedule a tour.



An image of a little girl with her hands out.



Promotes Individuality

One of the core values of Montessori education is to promote individuality. This means that each child is respected as an individual with unique needs and interests. In a Montessori classroom, children are not grouped together based on their age or ability level. Instead, they are able to work at their own pace and choose activities that interest them. This allows them to learn in a way that is tailored to their individual needs and abilities, which leads to a more positive and successful educational experience.



An image of three little girls reading in a chair.



Education for the Whole Child

In Montessori education, we believe that it is important to educate the whole child. This means that we not only focus on academic subjects, but also on social, emotional, and physical development. We believe that all of these areas are equally important in early childhood education and should be given attention in the classroom.



An image of two girls playing together.



Teaches Practical Life Skills

In addition to academic subjects, Montessori classrooms also place a strong emphasis on practical life skills. These are everyday skills that we use in our daily lives, such as cooking, cleaning, and taking care of ourselves. By teaching these skills early on, we are able to provide children with the tools they need to be successful in both their academic and personal lives.



An image of a little girl working on math.



Encourages Experimental Learning

With traditional teaching, children are shown the material, which can make it harder for them to understand it. In Montessori classrooms, children are encouraged to experiment with what they learn by manipulating physical objects. When they can see and touch something, it can help them better understand what we are trying to teach them.



At Pomegranate Tree Schoolhouse: Acton Academy, we provide children with a Montessori education that is tailored to their individual needs and abilities. We believe that this is the perfect learning environment for grade-schoolers, as it provides them with the foundation they need for a successful academic and personal life. If you would like to learn more about our school, or if you would like to schedule a tour, please contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!