“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.” – Maria Montessori

“Our task, regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible. No one can do more.” – Loris Malaguzzi

Alicia’s mission is to provide life relevant, purpose-driven education to all of her students. Because of her experience in a Montessori setting, she knew that incorporating Maria Montessori’s educational model was an essential factor in creating her toddler and preschool programs. Not only does the Montessori Educational Philosophy provide space and materials that foster independence and discovery, but it also gives children the life skills, motor skills, sensory education, and early language, math, and science skills.

Alicia was also greatly inspired by her studies of the Reggio Emilia educational model. Founded in Italy by Loris Malaguzzi, this educational model is a celebration of the child’s 100 ways in which they express themselves, also known as the 100 languages. It is the teacher’s job to observe and follow the child in order to create an education filled with natural resources. The classroom is considered the third teacher.

Alicia knew that although these educational philosophies have some differences as far as approach goes, they aim to achieve a similar goal: independent and inspired children.

So she incorporated both of them into her school.

You will find beautiful Montessori materials lining the shelves of Pomegranate Schools, carefully selected for the developmental stage of each age group and the individual child. You will find students peeling vegetables, learning to weave, sew, and use a screwdriver, finding ways to build block patterns of all sizes, and washing their own teacups after enjoying tea together. You will also find them at circle time or working one on one with their teachers in order to learn lessons in math, language, and science.

In the art room, you will find child-led projects that coincide with monthly themes using a multitude of materials for the child’s discovery and enjoyment. Outdoors, we are in the process of creating a full Reggio classroom with centers for children to choose from, music, art, and tons of loose parts! We made some beautiful mud cupcakes in this space not all that long ago.

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If you’d like to read more about these two educational models and discover the ways we incorporate both into our curriculum, keep up with our blog! We will be posting continuous information and experience there!